
Are spider veins making you insecure about your legs? Are you tired of hiding your spider veins? Spider veins affect 1 in every 3 women and are a constant source of insecurity for those dealing with them. At Siragusa Vein and Laser, we can quickly and easily treat your spider veins using sclerotherapy and get you back to feeling confident about your legs and wearing your favorite dress, shorts, or swimsuit.

What Is Sclerotherapy?

Sclerotherapy is a quick, effective, and pain-free treatment for getting rid of unsightly spider veins. Sclerotherapy is performed by injecting medication through a tiny needle into the spider vein, which causes the unhealthy veins to swell shut, forcing the blood out and into healthy veins. The treated veins gradually turn into scar tissue and are slowly absorbed by the body, fading from view. You may have had treatments in the past or know people who have been treated with hypertonic saline (strong saltwater). These saline injections are typically painful, are associated with marginal results, and have a high rate of undesired effects. At Siragusa Vein and Laser, we use only the most advanced, FDA-Approved medications including Asclera® (polidocanol) and Sotradecol®. This allows us to perform safe and effective, pain-free treatment of our patients’ spider veins.

What To Expect During Sclerotherapy?

Each sclerotherapy session consists of several injections of a medication into your spider veins. Very often, several spider veins originate from a single larger vein called a feeder vein. Dr. Siragusa has developed a technique in which the feeder veins are injected first. Sometimes these veins are not visible to the naked eye and are difficult to locate. We utilize the “Vein Viewer” to locate and treat these feeder veins, which reduces the need for smaller veins to be treated individually, significantly reducing the number of injections needed as well as the time the procedure takes. Most patients require 2-4 sclerotherapy treatments to achieve excellent cosmetic results. As an added benefit, we offer ProNox during sclerotherapy sessions, which is a blend of Nitrous oxide and oxygen to help relieve any anxiety you may have about needles or procedures.

What To Expect After Sclerotherapy?

Immediately after your procedure, the spider veins and the skin around your spider veins will be slightly red (similar to a sunburn). At this point, one of our staff members will apply a cream called Dermaka to the area to speed up the recovery process and reduce bruising. Over the next several days, the redness fades and the treated veins turn to collagen, which the body slowly absorbs. Smaller veins may be completely gone after 2-4 weeks, however, larger veins may take 1-3 months to fade. Following sclerotherapy, patients can return to work and normal daily activities immediately after their appointment. You will be instructed to wear a compression stocking for 3-5 days after your procedure to facilitate faster healing. You will also be instructed to avoid any vigorous exercise, sunbathing or get in any saunas or hot tubs for the next two weeks.

Why Choose Siragusa Vein And Laser For Your Sclerotherapy Treatment?

varicose veins

Before performing any sclerotherapy procedures, Dr. Siragusa will first rule out any circulatory problems such as venous insufficiency. If sclerotherapy is performed without first addressing this circulation issue, the treatment will not be effective, treated spider veins will return and symptoms will continue to worsen. Dr. Siragusa and his team exhaust all resources available to them to accurately identify what treatment options would benefit each individual patients’ need. Another reason to choose Siragusa Vein and Laser to treat your spider veins is their experience in identifying and treating “feeder” veins. These types of veins “feed” blood into the visible spider veins close to the skin, but are sometimes too deep to see with the naked eye. This is why we utilize technology such as the Vein Viewer to see these feeder veins and ensure you get the absolute best, and most effective treatment possible.


  • Conservative Vein Treatment

  • Endovenous Ablation

  • EVLT

  • Phlebectomy

  • Pronox

  • Radiofrequency Ablation

  • Sclerotherapy

  • Ultrasound Guided Foam Sclerotherapy

  • Varithena

Take The First Step

If you or someone you know is suffering from unsightly veins, contact us today to schedule a consultation at either our Nashville or Hermitage location and find out how easy it is to get back to loving your legs and living your life.